dakis: modern eCommerce and Photo Solutions
dakis is a private Web Software Development Company, providing modern eCommerce and Photo Solutions. We have a very strong presence serving camera stores, photo labs and the photography industry in the US, Canada and abroad. We continuously update and upgrade our solutions to stay ahead of the game.
dakis decision systems hall of fame

One of only twenty-four companies worldwide included in Microsoft's book entitled Microsoft and Innovative Software Solutions, v2

Winner of the Microsoft Impact Award 2004
Integrated eBusiness Solution of the year
Integrated eBusiness Solution of the year

Runner-up of the Microsoft Impact Award 2004
ISV Innovation Award
ISV Innovation Award

Included in Microsoft's SQL Server 2005 promotional video

Included in Microsoft's .NET Momentum book
Microsoft Broli Case Study (english)
Article in Les Affaires (french)
Dakis Press Release (french and english)
Microsoft Broli Case Study (french)
Article in The National (english)
Microsoft Software Innovation brochure (english)
Article in Canadian Retailer magazine
Article about Fotosource client (english)
Article in Speedmag Magazine (french)