Grow your business with the name shoppers trust.
Help maximize your conversion by offering PayPal, Pay Later, Venmo (US), card processing, Apple Pay, Google Pay™, and country-specific payment methods.
Step-by-Step Activation Guide
Simple setup.
See how to activate.
Step-by-Step Activation Guide
Step 1
Log in to your mydakis dashboard.
Step 2
Go to the "PAYMENTS" section.
Step 3
Select “PayPal Platform”.
Step 4
Follow the step-by-step guide: https://help.dakis.com/article/714-payment-methods-paypal-platform

Boost conversion
with PayPal.
PayPal’s brand recognition helps give customers the confidence to buy. Your all-in-one checkout solution can offer PayPal, Venmo, Pay Later options, card processing, local payment types, and more — all through a single PayPal integration.
higher checkout conversion with PayPal.1
America’s most popular BNPL provider2
Help drive sales
with Pay Later.
Allow customers to pay in installments with Pay in 4 and Pay Monthly3 while you get paid up front — at no extra cost to your business. Turn on Pay Later messaging to automatically present the most relevant Pay Later option as your customers browse, shop, and check out. With repeat customers making up 66% of all US Pay Later transactions4, it’s no surprise that Pay Later can help attract and retain customers.
increase in cart size with Pay Later offers, when compared to standard PayPal transactions.5

Tap into 92 million active Venmo accounts.6
Venmo is already part of your integration — at no additional cost. Gain appeal to Venmo customers by letting customers pay for purchases the same way they pay their friends. And help bring more visibility to your business with a payment method customers can easily share.
Take charge.
With PayPal, you can process all major credit and debit cards at a competitive rate. By bringing payments under one roof you can simplify reporting and consolidate your settlements to better understand your business.
checkout completion rate for credit and debit card payments.7

Accept Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Apple Pay and Google Pay are part of PayPal’s all-in-one solution so you won’t have to juggle multiple payment providers.
(Coming soon)
Make repeat purchasing easy.
PayPal enables you to securely save your customers’ payment methods, including PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and credit and debit cards, providing a quick and easy checkout experience.
Go global.
Make it local.
With country-specific payment methods, you can reach international customers while making your business feel local. Build trust with local payment options that correspond to the shopper's location.

More reasons to offer PayPal.
PayPal’s size, scale, and payments volume allows for strong global relationships to help you better serve customers, minimize costs, and help drive sales.
Designed with your business in mind.
Pricing with no surprises.
No monthly or setup fees. Only pay when you get paid.
Fees apply
Venmois available only in the US.
GooglePay is a trademark of Google LLC.
ApplePay is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and othercountries and regions. Apple Pay does not charge any additional fees.
*PayLater is available in US, UK, DE, FR, IT, ES, AU. Productavailability subject to local requirements. Merchant and consumereligibility varies depending on status. Credit checks, fees and otherrequirements apply and vary depending on product and jurisdiction.See product-specific terms for details.
1NielsenBehavioral Panel of USA with 29K SMB monthly average desktoppurchase transactions, from 13K consumers between April 2022-March2023. Nielsen Attitudinal Survey of USA (June 2023) with 2,001 recentpurchasers (past 4 weeks) from SMB merchants, including 1,000 PayPaltransactions & 1,001 non-PayPal transactions.
2PayPalis the most popular BNPL provider with 43% of BNPL users namingPayPal as their preferred provider. J.P. Morgan Research, "BuyNow Pay Later (BNPL) Report", October 2022.
3AboutPay in 4: Loans to CA residents are made or arranged pursuant to a CAFinancing Law License. PayPal, Inc. is a GA Installment LenderLicensee, NMLS #910457. RI Small Loan Lender Licensee.
PayMonthly is subject to consumer credit approval. Term lengths andfixed APR of 9.99-35.99% vary based on the customer’screditworthiness. The lender for Pay Monthly is WebBank. PayPal, Inc.(NMLS #910457): RI Loan Broker Licensee. VT Loan SolicitationLicensee.
4Basedon PayPal internal data from Jan 2022 - Dec 2022.
5Globally,Pay Later AOVs are 35%+ higher than standard PayPal AOVs for SMBs.Internal Data Analysis of 68,374 SMB across integrated partners andnon integrated partners, November 2022. Data inclusive of PayPal PayLater product use across 7 markets.
6PayPalInternal Data – 2023.
7Basedon PayPal internal data from 1st Jan 2022 – 31st Dec 2022.
8InJuly 2022, PayPal was recognized as the #1 most downloaded financeand banking app globally. **Apptopia, Top 10 Finance & Bankingapps, H1 2022. July 13, 2022.
9CR(Consumer Reports), "Buy Now, Pay Later Apps Are Popular, butAre They Safe?" Consumer Reports , May 25, 2023.
10Availabilitymay vary depending on merchant’s integration method and geographiclocation.
11Availablefor eligible transactions. Limitsapply.
12Availableon eligible purchases.
13Chargebacksthat are not related to fraud or item not received (INR), such asbroken Item, significantly not as described (SNAD), refund notprocessed, and duplicate charge, are not protected by ChargebackProtection. Chargeback Protection is available for accounts enrolledin Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments.
14Ourstandardrate pricinglisted herein is for US transactions only in USD and is effectiveOctober 2023.